Google Apps Brisbane Specialist - aVers Cloud Solutions
Google Apps for Business in Brisbane

Google Apps for Business

If you think that 100 years ago, companies stopped producing their own electricity and started sourcing it from a central grid, then cloud computing is turning IT into a commodity used by just about everybody.



  • Experienced and Proven

    Experienced and Proven

    Over 15 year in financial management

  • Easy To Use

    Easy To Use

    Easier than ever before. Simple as 1, 2, 3

  • 100% Cloud

    100% Cloud

    The very best of anywhere, anytime secure access

  • 100% Reliability

    100% Reliability

    Always on time

  • 100% Credible

    100% Credible

    Registered BAS agent. Many happy clients

  • Streamlined


    Mo double or triple entry. All parts of your business are synchronized

  • Local & Passionate

    Local & Passionate

    Deal with local business passionate about productivity

  • Clutter free

    Clutter free

    Don't drown in paper. Ideal for paperless office.

  • Need help? Click here!

Google has levelled the playing field with its outstanding Google Apps platform. Now you can have state of the art enterprise email, communication and document sharing for a simple low monthly per user fee. Now you can enjoy the next generation of collaboration, security and productivity in your business.

The key advantages of the Google Apps platform include;

  • Higher level of security than you could afford with an in-house solution.
  • You are always connected 24-7-365 from any computer, mobile phone or tablet.
  • Enhanced real time collaboration. You and your colleagues can work on one document simultaneously. Flexible document sharing.
  • Accelerated productivity with familiar tools that are already used by millions
  • Integrate the power of Google search that allows you to find documents within your organisation faster.
  • Invisible IT department that anyone can afford. No need to buy and maintain complex hardware infrastructure.
  • New features are ready as soon as they are released, no need to lose time for installation.
  • Your company instantly goes green because cloud data centres are connected to renewable energy and high quality carbon offsets.

Get in touch

Take a moment to connect with us using the form below, or call us
directly on 1300 255 337

Mon. to Fri. 10 am - 4 pm